hi, i'm scared people will find this

(as a side note, this is not the final version of this site that i will stick with and is defo not mobile friendly, bare with me as i'm only just getting back into HTML and dont know much!!!!!!)


about me :>
h o m e
dreams :>



Family(семья- sem-yah)



hi! currently, I'm learning russian. So here is where i'll put all the vocabulary i've learnt :>

Alphabet (алфавит- alfa-vit)

Аа = Аа Like "a" in car "ah"
Бб = Bb -Like "b" in bat "beh"
Вв = Vv -Like "v" in van "veh"
Гг = Gg -Like "g" in go "geh"
Дд = Dd -Like "d" in dog "deh"
Ее = YEye -Like "ye" in yet "yeh"
Ёё = YOyo -Like "yo" in yonder "yo"
Жж Zhzh -Like "s" in measure or pleasure or like "g" in beige (the colour) "zheh"
Зз = Zz -Like "z" in zoo "zeh"
Ии = EEee -Like "ee" in see "ee"
Йй = Ii or Yy -like "y" in boy or toy "ee kratkoyeh"
Кк = Kk -Like "k" in kitten, "c" in cat. "kah"
Лл = Ll -Like "l" in light "ehl"
Мм = Mm -Like "m" in mat "ehm"
Нн = Nn -Like "n" in no "ehn"
Оо Stressed: Oo Unstressed: Aa -Like "o" in bore Like "a" in car "oh"
Пп = Pp -Like "p" in pot "peh"
Рр = Rr -Like "r" in run (rolled) "ehr"
Сс = Ss -Like "s" in sam "ehs"
Тт = Tt -Like "t" in tap "teh"
Уу = Uu -Like "oo" in boot "oo"
Фф = Ff -Like "f" in fat "ehf"
Хх = Hh, KHkh -Like "h" in hello or like
the "ch" in Scottish 'loch' or German 'Bach' "khah"
Цц = TSts -Like "ts" in bits "tseh"
Чч = CHch -Like "ch" in chip "cheh"
Шш = SHsh (hard) -Like "sh" in shut "shah"
Щщ = SHsh (soft) -Like "sh" in sheep "schyah"
Ъъ = Letter before is hard "tvyordiy znahk"
Ыы = Ii -Like "i" in ill "i"
Ьь = Letter before is soft "myagkeey znahk"
Ээ = Ee -Like "e" in pet "eh"
Юю = YUyu -Like "u" in use or university "yoo"
Яя = YAya -Like "ya" in yard. "yah"



Greetings/basic phrases

Hello = Здравствуйте (Z-DRAST-voy-tyer)
Hi = Привет (pri-vee-yet)
Good morning = Доброе утро(Dobrey utra)
Good Day = Добрый день (Dobrey dein)
Good Evening = Добрый вечер (Dobrey veecher)
Good Night = Доброй ночи (Dobrey nochii)
My name is,,,, = Меня зовут,,,,(Menya zovut)
What is your name? = Как вас зовут?(kak vas zovut?)
How are you? = как поживаете?(kak pozj-I-viyete?)/ Как дела? (kak dela?)
I'm good/fine = я хорошо(ya horoshow)
I'm bad = я плохой( ya ploahkoy)
and you? = и ты( i tvy?)
It's nice to meet you = рад встрече (rad vuhstretche)
Have a good day = Хорошего дня (koroshega dyna)
Thank you = Спасибо (Spasipah)
you're welcome = не за что(nyeh za chta)
shut up = не за что(zakroy rot)